
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Surprise: A post!

It's been another month-long hiatus from posting, and I think it was mainly due to watching Dexter as I ate food instead of posting. My apologies. I do have all the pictures in my camera but just haven't written anything :(

Let's start with today: an unhealthy stop by McDonald's for a Mcmini sandwich: basically a small piece of bread with ground-chicken-bits-in-the-form-of-a-chicken-finger put in the middle. One of them actually had gross bits of soft bone and fat inside (yummy!)

The night before was a big formal and we decided to have a potluck before going! Instead of making chili like I always do, I found Michael Smith's recipe for portobello pizzas. You take a portobello mushroom, pizza sauce, cilantro, mozzarella, and broil it at 400 until the cheese browns. Mmmm. Friends made asian sesame salad, steak and chicken stir fry, and a failed rice side turned into a fried appetizer with a tangy sauce. Legit! It's too bad I forgot to take picture of some delicious and fabulous-looking white and milk chocolate covered strawberries.

I also made guacamole due to high demand. Sorry I didn't take a picture before we dove in. Basically just avocado, onion, cilantro, jalapeno, lime juice, lemon juice, salt, pepper.

I also made potato wedges, with the recipe from Chuck Hughes ( I have lots of leftovers so it will be my carb intake for the next little while :P

 Going back farther in time is a typical breakfast of mine: omelette with a variety of veggies and some garlic bread. I might eat them separately or combine into an open-faced sandwich :)

Salmon one night with Greek seasoning, on top of a bed of stir-fried spinach, red/yellow bell peppers and really good fusilli pasta. If you decide to spend money on good pasta, it's totally worth it (you'll know when you can't find English on the box :P)

Dinner one night, I decided to use tuna and combined it into a salsa. I cut up a toasted pita and it turned out looking pretty good aesthetically.

Finally, snack one day: a basic cheesybread. I've got pasta sauce with Monterey Jack cheese I believe, and topped with some seasoning (chili flakes, oregano, salt, pepper)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The past little while...Holiday selection

So I haven't been up here since November 30th, 2010 due to exams, holidays, and being back in school. I apologize if you visited and was disappointed from the lack of posting, but I hope you went back and found some older posts that you found fun! To make this break into posting a little easier, I'll keep it short and festive.

Over the break, I had an amazing family gathering for Christmas. Here's a few photos:

The turkey!! Salt-brined, rubbed with rosemary, thyme, garlic, and roasted (credit to my brother for all cooking over the break. I took it easy hehe).

Some of the food for dinner. There was soo much.

Mom's vegetable curry stew.

Desserts! Eating these felt like a sin. A delicious, delicious sin.

Chocolate dipped toffee from my brother as well.

Assorted baked awesomeness.

Inside one of those desserts was mousse.

For Christmas Eve, my brother cooked up a seafood storm of paella and mussels. Can you believe these were back-to-back nights?

Mussels, oysters, scallops, surrounded by bell peppers amongst other veggies, with rice soaking up all the goodness on the mouth waters as I type this.

Mussels, using spicy Italian sausage for flavour (at the bottom, hard to see), with a nice Riesling white wine broth.
